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Версия от 21:52, 26 сентября 2010; Gereint (обсуждение) (Мой вклад)
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Мой вклад

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The following is a short list of the most well-known of these borrowings, for trivia purpose and for possible adventure hooks with outsiders PCs. Most of the sources are from Domains of Dread and/or the Black Box, unless otherwise corrected.

Greyhawk: Azalin; Easan (driven insane by Iuz); Vecna and Kas.

Dark Sun: Domain of Kalidnay

Forgotten Realms:Draga Saltbitter (a pirate in the Sword Coast); Chardath Spulzeer (from area south of Waterdeep (see: Castle Spulzeer and The Forgotten Terror); Gondegal (conqueror of Arabel and Knight of the Shadows); Harkon Lukas (grew up in Cormyr, now in Kartakass); Hazlik (Red Wizard from Thay); Jander Sunstar;Nova Vassa (from Vaasa and Hordelands); Von Kharkov

Kara-Tur (Forgotten Realms): Domain of I'Cath

Dragonlance:Lady Adeline (Confidant of Von Kharkov); Domain of Eyrie (see: Dungeon #58); Soth (former lord of Sithicus); Vlad Drakov (from Thenol (Taladas), King-Fuhrer of Falkovnia).

Gothic Earth (MotRD): Maligno

Birthright: Sir Marcus Malvoy – from Cerilia (see: COTN:V); Domain of Vorostokov – from Cerilia

Mystara: Meredoth

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