Редактирование: Чардат Спулзир

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Ещё до того, как Чардат стал тёмным владыкой Аггарата, горе и зло свели его с ума. С тех пор, как он оказался в Землях Туманов, дела стали только хуже, и разум Чардата помутился окончательно. Его без конца терзает стремление к уничтожению Картака. Он знает, что лич сумел избежать поглощения кристаллом, но отказывается признать то, что ему никогда не дотянуться до Картака. Чардат не стремится покинуть свою тюрьму, надеясь на то, что вытягивающая жизнь сущность его домена поможет поглотить его врага и позволит владыке Аггарата наблюдать, как лич будет медленно ослабевать и наконец рассыпется в пыль.
Even before Chardath became the lord of Aggarath, grief and evil had driven him mad. In the days since he was pulled into the Land of Mists, things have only gotten worse, indeed, Chardath's mental collapse has finally become complete.
Другая важная вещь для Чардата — судьба Мрамор. Он винит себя в её смерти и в том, что она не может упокоиться в могиле. Если есть какой-то способ отменить те ужасные вещи, которые случились с ней, Чардат ухватился бы за малейший шанс.
The lord of Aggarath is constantly tormented by his desire to see Kartak destroyed. He knows that the lien escaped consumption by the crystal and fears that this lucky break has placed him forever out of reach. Still, the fledgling demilord refuses to accept that fact as a final truth.
Кроме двух этих целей, Чардата больше ничего не интересует. Его безумие заставляет его вести себя странно. Он может доброжелателен и приветлив, а но в следующее мгновение параноидальные страхи возьмут верх и полностью изменят его поведение. Любые внезапные ситуации вызывают в Чардате радикальные перемены настроения.
Chardath is well aware of the life-draining nature of his domain-and so longs to see Kartak drawn into it. Watching the lich slowly weaken and die seems an ideal fate to him. Indeed, the lord of Aggarath has no great desire to escape the gemstone. As long as he believes that it might be possible to draw Kartak into it, he is content to stay where he is.
The fate of Marble is also of great importance to Chardath. He blames himself for her death and the fact that she cannot rest easily in her grave. If a way could be found to undo the terrible things that were done to her, Chardath would leap at the chance.
Apart from these two goals, Chardath's life lacks direction. His madness causes him to behave quite eccentrically. One minute he might be overcome with paranoid fears and the next he might be benevolent and friendly. To reflect this, any encounter with Chardath should begin with the Dungeon Master rolling a few dice to determine his reaction to the party. The following table can be used to determine Chardath's mood and emotional state when he is encountered. (For the Dungeon Master's convenience, this table is reprinted in "The Eleventh Facet" section, where characters encounter Chardath.) Those who wish more detail should use Table 70: General Traits from Chapter 12 of the Dungeon Master Guide.
Note that the actions of player characters generally have no effect on Chardath's mood. He is insane, after all, and his motivations are not immediately obvious to the outside world. If the heroes spend an extended period of time in the company of Chardath, they find that his mood changes frequently. Dungeon Masters should reroll his emotional state after 1d4 turns.
Of course, if he is attacked or otherwise threatened, Chardath defends himself. Similarly, he will not take well to people he believes to be allies of Kartak or enemies of his beloved sister. In either of these cases, the Dungeon Master should roll until an aggressive mental state is indicated.
Sudden changes or surprise also cause Chardath to undergo radical mood swings. Whenever he suffers damage (even by accident) or is called upon to make a saving throw of any kind, the Dungeon Master should roll for his new personality.  

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