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Строка 485: Строка 485:
;Read the conclusion to this story in Issue 2 of Critical Miss…
;Read the conclusion to this story in Issue 2 of Critical Miss…
== Getting the message across ==
;The X-Boat Network In Traveller
: By Stephen Ward
=== What is it? ===
The X-Boat network is the main means of sending messages across the vast Imperium. It was established 624 (Imperial) and covered the entire Imperium in 718 (Imperial). The backbone of the system is a small craft capable of a maximum speed of Jump 4. Administration of the X-Boat system is the responsibility of the Communications Office division of the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service (IISS). Although the maximum speed of an X-Boat is jump 4, not all jumps are made at that speed. Because of the way the network is laid out, the average speed a message travels is Jump 2.6.
=== How it operates. ===
The best way to describe this process is to do it as an example. Say I was staying at Capital and I wanted to drop a message of to a close friend of mine on Regina. I would address it in the following fashion:
* John_Smith@JS584866.TASNET.Regina.Regina
So breaking it down, starting with the far left.
The * informs me that John is a registered voter on Regina then his name.
The @ means located at.
The next part is his Personal Information Reader’s serial number. This part is optional.
TASNET is the computer system name.
Regina is the subsector capitol, Regina is the system name.
Common computer system domains include:
* TASNET: Traveller’s Aid Society.
* EDUNET: Educational.
* GOVNET: Local government.
* IMPGOV: Imperial government.
* COMNET: Commercial businesses.
* PRIVNET: Non business.
These are the main ones. Major corporations' names are added after the network name and before the user ID.
I record my message to John using my terminal in my room. I have the option of Video, Audio, or text. The only difference in them is the quality and cost. Video is 30 credits for each ten minutes per jump, audio 10 credits for ten minutes and text one credit for ten pages. Mixed text and pictures' costs one credit per page. If I was not using a terminal in my room, there are public terminals located in most starports. Although video transmissions are only available on class A starports, audio class B and C or less is text only.
Billing is in Imperial credits and worked out with the jump speed of 2.5. If he was not on the main route, the message would be passed to the Imperial Courier Service (ICS) for final delivery.
I have finished my message and instruct the terminal to send. The terminal then gives me the option to have my message encrypted, this doubles the cost of the message. From here, the data is compressed and passed to the local communications system for transmission to an X-Boat station or passed to the ICS for delivery onto an X-Boat route.
An X-Boat drops into realspace. The pilot then activates the recovery beacon and aligns the communications array to the X-Boat station. An X-Boat station is constructed close to entry points of Hyperspace and contains fuel, pilot stations and communications arrays. The station dispatches an X-Boat Tender with a fresh pilot and fuel. Once it has reached the boat, it recovers it, changes crew and refuels it. This process takes about four hours. The record for this routine is seven minutes. A single tender can deal with up to six X-Boats at a time. In busy systems, many tenders can be seen working at once to keep the network going. Once re-fuelled and a new pilot aboard, the X-boat is released and gets ready to jump. While all this activity is going on, the X-Boat is still getting data and messages.
Once all checks are finished aboard the pilot shuts down the communication array and departs the system. The pilot from the X-Boat is given another job, whether this be aboard the tender or at the X-Boat station. After a week in normal space he is reassigned to another X-Boat and his job starts again.
=== What is the ICS? ===
The ICS maintains a fleet of type S scout/couriers. It is they who take the messages to systems off the main network. They are mostly modified with the passenger compartments removed and replaced with extra computer storage and extra fuel tankage. They depart at different speeds taking their messages to wherever they need to go.
=== How do I collect my mail? ===
Usually this is just case of connecting up to the planet’s data net and accessing it that way. If you are on the move, this can be tricky. Copies of mail are held at subsector and sector capitals and at TAS hostels. The last option only applies if you are a member of TAS. Mail is also archived at scout bases, this option requires an administration fee of about 100 credits and a week to accomplish. You also need to produce proof of identity. A standard Imperial bank card is usually all that is required.
=== What else does the X-Boat system handle? ===
You can make bank payments at an X-Boat office. The information is encoded and then sent to the bank of your choice. This has become a standard way of paying for starships.
=== Does the X-Boat carry military transmissions? ===
Yes, unless the transmissions are secure. If they are secure then the Imperial agency sending the transmissions uses an Imperial courier vessel. Imperial courier ships are rated at Jump 4 with a few being capable of Jump 6! Otherwise, the X-Boats data bank is fitted with an auto destruct system that fueses the internal electronics.
=== What about parcels or paper transmissions? ===
To some, a letter is the ultimate secure transmission. You cannot drop a letter into a computer and scan for a phrase. Someone has to read it all the way through. Letters are handled by the ICS except they are not X-Boat sent. Instead the message is accepted at the ICS office and then passed on with other letters and parcels to a cargo ship. Letter post costs one credit per 100grams of weight. Parcels on the other hand can make licensed carriers a tidy profit. For ease of packing aboard ships, parcels must be sent using a standard design. The boxes are available at starports everywhere at the cheap price of a tenth of its size in credits.. The smallest box is a 10cm plastic cube and this costs one credit. The postage for this item is 5 credits. A cubic metre costs ten credits and postage costs 500. The formula used to calculate this is: (size x size x size)/6 x 10). Size = size in cms. So the metre box is (100 x 100 x 100 = 300)/6 = 50 x 10 = 500. Postage is charged per 2 jumps or fraction thereof. The parcels are collected and dropped into a cargo container for a sector.
So, I decide to send John a litre of water. The water fits into a metre cube and I take it to the ICS office. There I pay my 2500 credits for it to be carried 24 parsecs. The package is loaded into a cargo container along with nine other metre cubes for Regina. Each cargo container will hold ten cubic metres for each ton of displacement. Once loaded, a licensed trader is contacted for delivery.
Note: Since the ICS has limited ships available, they rely upon licensed carriers. Obtaining a licence is not easy. First an application form has to be filled out and a fee of 500,000 credits is paid. Then the applicant is given a thorough background check if anything looks suspect then their application is refused and the fee is kept. If all looks good, the applicant is granted a licence.
ICS regulations prevent more than five tons of a ships' cargo space from being used for mail. This prevents unscrupulous captains from running off with mail and also means there is a steady flow of carriers. Each ton of space nets the carrier 5000 credits.
If a group of governments is pitching together for a Subsidised Merchant and the ICS thinks it will suit their needs then they will throw in one fifth of the cash for it. The merchant is usually given first pick of the cargo.
The cargo is then transported to its destination in its pod. It may along the way make stops to drop off mail pods and collect more.
=== MegaTraveller ===
The X-Boat system operates at full capacity until about 1120. Once fleets start to diminish, many systems start to lose contact. The Aslan’s hold off attacking X-Boats because they present no threat. Many ships and pilots where lost in systems that had major battles as they became easy targets for stray missiles. Once the virus starts to rampage through Imperial space many X-Boats become infected. They become carriers of the Virus. Since they contain only enough fuel for a jump 4 they drift aimlessly. It is during the rebellion the ICS makes the bold decision not to spy on enemy systems. This leads to Lucan’s and Dulinor’s fleets to intentionally destroy X-Boats in enemy territory. Vagr pirates prey on them for spares and the long range jump drives.
=== New Era. ===
There is not the personnel to maintain something as complex as a network of ships. A vague communications network exists but it lacks the range of the old X-Boats. Many have been found in systems, dead and lifeless. They are boarded and scavenged for spares. Since they have no manoeuvre drive the hulls are just left to decay. A few X-Boats became Vampire ships, however because they could not refuel and were not fitted with manoeuvre drives the ships simply lay in space becoming time bombs waiting to go off. The RCES when it finds one ALWAYS employs anti viral protocols. Those that were invaded by other viruses usually triggered the auto destruct if they lost control.
=== References: ===
I took and based my information on the following sources.
* Book 6 Scouts.
* Imperial Encyclopaedia.
* Supplement 7 Traders and Gunboats.
Authors' notes:<br />
Well, I finally did it. I always thought it would be a bit longer than what I have here! I hope that this will provide inspiration for all players out there.
Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises.<br />
Portions of this material are Copyright © 1977—1996 Far Future Enterprises.
== Backhanders and Dodgy Deals ==
Backhanders and Dodgy Deals is a complete game set in the world of finance and white-collar crime. A typical player character role is that of a bent copper, crooked councilman or gangster. The objective is to amass as much cash as possible.
=== Possible Settings for Backhanders and Dodgy Deals ===
;Internal Investigation Police Unit
This setting is very similar to that of the BBC TV series «Between the Lines» featuring a team of police detectives tasked with investigating cases of police corruption and incorrect behaviour. The main difference of course is that having uncovered corrupt police officers you don’t bring them to justice, but blackmail them instead, possibly taking a cut of whatever action they were into.
;The Truth Is Out There
Mounting a covert invasion of another planet takes a whole lot of resources, even if you do have nifty silver spaceships and the planet concerned is so mind numbingly primitive that they still think mice and windows are the dogs bollocks where computers are concerned. It’s a difficult task, but luckily there’s always quislings who will sell out their race — for an appropriate consideration of course.
In this setting, you not only know that the truth is out there, but are being handsomely rewarded to ensure that out there is exactly where it stays. Beating up UFO freaks, discrediting «rogue» scientists, arranging those oh-so-tedious house moving details for your extraterrestrial bosses; if it pays cash you’ll do it.
And when the entire human race is enslaved… slaves will always require overseers.
=== The Bribe System ===
==== Creating A Character ====
A Bribe character has five attributes:
* Selfishness (SELF)
* Bullshit (BULL)
* Hardness (HARD)
* Cunning/Thought (CUNT)
* Profession (PROF)
A character with a high SELF score is able to do exactly as he pleases without being troubled by feelings of guilt or remorse. Characters with high SELF scores make good journalists and lawyers. Whenever a character wishes to perform a morally questionable act (blackmail, concealing crimes and so on) he must make a successful SELF test.
A character with a high BULL score has a flexible grip on reality. He can believe whatever he wants to believe and has the personality and charisma to make others believe it too. Characters with high BULL scores make good politicians and marketing executives.
A character with high HARD is extremely strong and tough and dextrous. Characters with high HARD scores make good minders, bouncers and debt collectors.
A character with high CUNT is generally clever and quick-witted. Characters with high CUNT make good cops, scientists and white-collar criminals.
PROF is a special case. It measures how good the character is at his or her chosen profession. If you character is a lawyer with a high PROF then he has a full and detailed knowledge of the law. Conversely, if he had a low PROF then he would have fuck-all knowledge of the law (like the bloke on Ally McBeal with a neck fetish). Whenever your character is attempting to perform an action related to his profession (like a pilot attempting to land a plane in a storm, he must make a PROF test).
Each attribute is rated as three «coins». Each of the coins can be either gold, silver or bronze.
''If you are playing in the United Kingdom, then you should use pound coins, twenty pence coins and two pence coins to represent gold, silver and bronze. In other countries you can either use local currency if possible, or change some local money into UK money. This gives the GM a good opportunity, if he changes the money for the players, to make a little cash by being a little untruthful about what the actual exchange rate was. (Don’t do this if one of your players is something like a currency dealer).''
A character who has three gold coins in an attribute has a very high rating in that attribute. Three bronze coins indicates a very poor rating in that attribute. Three silver indicates a consistent, moderate rating. A gold, a silver and a bronze indicates highly erratic, though generally average performance, sometimes good, sometimes bad.
Unlike other systems, the Bribe system is not points based. A player can select any combination of coins he or she chooses. A player could choose to have three gold coins in all five attributes (a total of fifteen gold coins) to create a character of near perfect performance.
However, once the player has decided on the attribute scores for his character, he has to hand over those coins to the GM (for the GM to keep). This is called «paying for the character».
So, if playing in the United Kingdom, it would cost fifteen pounds to create a perfect character. However, if you’re feeling a little tight this week, you can create a complete wanker for a bargain basement thirty pence.
==== Attribute Tests ====
When your character wishes to do something to another character it is called an opposed attribute test.
The GM first determines which attributes will be used.
''Jake is attempting to persuade Peter (a non-player character) to invest in some quality real estate in the former Soviet Union. The GM rules that Jake will have to test his BULL against Peter’s CUNT.''
The player then picks up the coins for that attribute, puts them in a cup and «tosses» them out. Any coins which come up heads side up count as a success. The GM does the same for NPCs.
* A gold success will beat any number of non-gold successes.
* A silver success will beat any number of bronze successes.
* One gold success will beat two silver successes.
* One silver success will beat two bronze successes.
* Two silver successes will beat one silver success and two bronze successes.
* Two bronze successes will beat one bronze success.
If the character preforming the action «beats» the other character, then the action has succeeded. A draw counts as a failure.
Jake picks up the coins for his BULL (a gold, and two silvers) and tosses them from the cup. The gold and one of the silvers come up «tail-side» up. The other silver is heads side up. He has scored one silver success.''
The GM picks up the coins for Peter’s CUNT (a silver and two bronze) and tosses them out. He scores one bronze success. He has swallowed Peters bullshit scheme hook, line and sinker.''
If a character is performing an action where there is no opponent — such as climbing up a cliff — the GM selects a set of coins representing the difficulty of the task. A near impossible task might rate three gold coins, whilst a trivial task might rate three bronze.
The GM then «tosses» the coins to give the character something to beat.
==== «Creaming It» and «Fucking It» ====
If all three of your coins are tossed out heads up, then you are said to have «Creamed It». The action automatically succeeds, unless your opponent also «Creamed It» (in which case it depends if you have better successes than he or she).
Conversely, if all three of your coins are tossed out tails up, then you are said to have «Fucked It.» The action automatically fails, badly, usually with some kind of unpleasant twist.
''Special Agent Bob Forster is attempting to shoot a hippy who is running away from him down the street. He makes a HARD test and tosses three tails. He has dropped the gun, which falls to the floor, goes off, and blows out the brains of a guide dog across the street. Whistling casually, and ignoring the plight of the highly confused, and now guide-dog-less blind man, Bob walks quickly away.''
''Gigolo spy Vince Jenson is attempting to seduce Katya, the daughter of an east European industrialist. As he eases her panties over her hips he makes his seduction test. He tosses his three gold PROF coins, and gets… three tails. His excitement has gotten the better of him causing him to ejaculate over Katya’s cocktail dress. She angrily slaps him and storms out of his hotel room.''
=== Performing a Bribe ===
If a character performs an action it is possible to reverse the failure, in a manner similar to other system’s hero points.
Immediately after the action has failed the player can announce that they are «performing a bribe». They can pick up any coin that they just tipped from the cup and which came down on the non-head side and flip it to be a head, thus turning it into a success. However, they must then hand over the coin to the GM (he gets to keep it).
There is no limit to the number of bribes that a player can make per play-session. If he’s enough of a mug to hand over the cash, the GM will keep on taking it.
==== Getting Hurt ====
There are two kind of attacks:
* Attacks Which Slap You About (such as punches and kicks).
* Attacks Which Fuck You Up (such as knives and guns).
When you attack someone you make a HARD test against their HARD. If you succeed then they receive damage depending on what kind of attack it was.
If it was an Attack Which Slapped Them About then their lowest HARD rated coin becomes «inactive». This means that they cannot use it when they make a HARD test.
If it was an Attack Which Fucked Them Up then their highest HARD rated coin becomes «inactive». This means that they cannot use it when they make a HARD test.
If all your hard coins become inactive then you have fallen unconscious. If this happened because you were Slapped About, then you are merely stunned and will come round in a few minutes (one hard coin will become active). If it happened because you were Fucked Up you are in a coma, and will remain that way until you receive medical treatment.
==== Recovery ====
When the GM figures you’re better. If you were «fucked up» you generally take longer than when you were «slapped about».
=== Are We Serious ===
Of course not. This is the stupidest idea in history. Please tell us that you realised that?
== Dream Park on a Budget ==
== Dream Park on a Budget ==

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